• wLOG_02

    Had I not already resumed blogging today’s date would have been the right occasion to start. At the time I started writing this, Sabaton were performing in Antwerp and there was a live stream from the stage, with dropouts however. Fans of the band can watch the SABATON Vlogs on YouTube to learn more about The Great Tour 2020. Regarding concerts I just went to the second event, as one of my favourite local bands was…

  • wLOG_01

    Starting with this post I will try to write once a week about topics that I find interesting or things that catched my attention to some degree. As I intend to do this on a regular basis but since I do not yet know if I will be able to stick to the routine of writing a weekly column, I chose the rather cryptic title of wlog_n, where n will take the value of an…

  • Resumption

    Feel the emptiness. I have not been able to write for 8 months. Not technically, of course. Still things have happened which I would have found worth blogging about. However, as 2019 marked the breakup of my 20-year-long marriage I had to sell the common house and move with Madog to an appartment. Unfortunately Madog was not allowed to accompany me longer in this new phase of my life, so that from then on I…

  • Obituary to Madog

    One week ago, left this world, you have. It was the 21st of May when the phone rang in the middle of the night. Confused I stumbled out of bed to switch off the alarm and get ready for work but the next moment, before I could even grab my iPhone I knew that it was not the sound of the alarm but the ring tone of a telephone call I did not ever want…

  • MEANING is the WAVE

    What can be more pleasant than listening to a podcast and learning new things through meaningful thoughts or conversation? Akira The Don has found the answer to that question by combining excerpts of speech from eminent thinkers like Terence McKenna, Jordan B. Peterson, David Foster Wallace or Alan Watts, to name but a few, with matching musical rhythms. As I rarely listen to DJ sets and even more rarely am used to attend parties since…

  • Episode VIII

    Last weekend I missed writing to my blog. Actually I had not planned to publish a blog post on a regular basis every weekend when I resumed writing at the beginning of January this year. As I wanted to write about the podcasts I like listening to I managed to keep posting continuously on a weekly basis about several podcasting topics before later starting to write about other topics, too. By then, weekly blogging had…

  • the greatest show on earth

    This weekend marked the start of the 2019 MotoGP World Championship. For fans of circuit racing the Grand Prix circus of the two-wheelers surely is one of the most exciting series to watch. The first Grand Prix was held today mainly under floodlight at the Losail International Circuit in the Qatari desert. The opening Moto3 race went to Kaito Toba who is the first Japanese motorcycle racer to score a win in the entry level…