• Resumption

    Feel the emptiness. I have not been able to write for 8 months. Not technically, of course. Still things have happened which I would have found worth blogging about. However, as 2019 marked the breakup of my 20-year-long marriage I had to sell the common house and move with Madog to an appartment. Unfortunately Madog was not allowed to accompany me longer in this new phase of my life, so that from then on I…

  • Zuckermaw

    In my last post I wrote about Fab’s new podcast Morning Call. If you are kinda geek and still have not checked his informative and funny way of serving fresh tech news weekdays I strongly recommend you to watch Morning Call for Friday, 22/02/2019 because while reporting about some Facebook related news Fab let himself go into a hilarious rant about “creepy fishman Zuckerberg” that made my day and still makes me laugh while I…