the new religion
The assumption that the scientific method, the scientific process results in like unmovable facts, that’s the problem. — Fabian A. Scherschel Throughout the world many governments have taken drastic freedom restricting measures to fight the pandemic justifying their decisions by referring to science. As most of the members of cabinet are not scientists themselves they rely on so called experts who have one or more degrees in one or more scientific domains. On one hand…
I have a bad feeling about this. Today I went for a walk first through the forest, and then across the field. The sun was shining and the temperature was just right for keeping the hat in the pocket. I enjoyed breathing the clean air and listening to a podcast. Some mountain bikers and hikers crossed my way and in the wood a guy was sitting on a bench reading on a backlit e-reader screen.…
As I have reduced my social media activity considerably since turning my back to Instagram at the beginning of 2020, I am spending more time listening to podcasts and reading news on the internet, mostly after finding interesting links in their shownotes, in several newsletters I have subscribed to or in my timelines on Twitter or in the Fediverse. Sometimes there are topics which captivate my attention, so that I plounge even further into the…
Feel the emptiness. I have not been able to write for 8 months. Not technically, of course. Still things have happened which I would have found worth blogging about. However, as 2019 marked the breakup of my 20-year-long marriage I had to sell the common house and move with Madog to an appartment. Unfortunately Madog was not allowed to accompany me longer in this new phase of my life, so that from then on I…