• wLOG_01

    Starting with this post I will try to write once a week about topics that I find interesting or things that catched my attention to some degree. As I intend to do this on a regular basis but since I do not yet know if I will be able to stick to the routine of writing a weekly column, I chose the rather cryptic title of wlog_n, where n will take the value of an…

  • Zuckermaw

    In my last post I wrote about Fab’s new podcast Morning Call. If you are kinda geek and still have not checked his informative and funny way of serving fresh tech news weekdays I strongly recommend you to watch Morning Call for Friday, 22/02/2019 because while reporting about some Facebook related news Fab let himself go into a hilarious rant about “creepy fishman Zuckerberg” that made my day and still makes me laugh while I…