In my last post I wrote about Fab’s new podcast Morning Call. If you are kinda geek and still have not checked his informative and funny way of serving fresh tech news weekdays I strongly recommend you to watch Morning Call for Friday, 22/02/2019 because while reporting about some Facebook related news Fab let himself go into a hilarious rant about “creepy fishman Zuckerberg” that made my day and still makes me laugh while I…
Da ich die #heiseshow bereits seit einiger Zeit als Audio-Podcast abonniert habe, probierte ich irgendwann auch mal das Video-Format aus und stieß dann schließlich in den Weihnachtsferien auf den c’t uplink Podcast dessen Folge 25.5 sich mit dem Rückblick auf 2018 und den Vorhersagen auf 2019 im Tech-Bereich befasste. Am Ende dieser Sendung verabschiedet sich das Team von c’t uplink von Fabian Scherschel, der die Gelegenheit nutzte um auf die URL auf seinem T-Shirt hinzuweisen,…
I’m not up for Instagram anymore. Every 4 to 6 pictures there is an ad in my feed. This is not what Instagram was like before Facebook acquired it. Just like the social network giant has denied me the pleasure to use my Facebook profile by turning my news feed into an echo chamber I do not feel like scrolling through a photostream where roughly a fifth of the pictures I see are ads. Now…
My interest in simracing started about 4 years ago when I bought a Sony PlayStation 3 Gran Turismo 6 Bundle. Beginning my gaming experience with the PS3 wireless controller, soon I felt the urge to switch to a steering wheel and pedals instead, so I ordered a Fanatec wheel together with compatible pedals and a proper stand for both of them. As long as I used to play GT6 on the PS3 I put my…
forced down
(Featured Image shared under CC license from Artes Max) Just before the second Formula One Grand Prix of the season, the former F1 driver and 24 Hours of Le Mans winner Stefan Johansson has made clear why the race action at F1 season’s opener Melbourne a couple of weeks ago was rather soporific: […] unfortunately, it was just more of the same thing we’ve had for the last few years. And why wouldn’t it be?…
log out
At the beginning of last year I deactivated my Facebook account. The information that I got flushed in my timeline just sucked most of the time. I had already quit commenting on a regular basis but daily kept flicking through the posts inside the filter bubble the algorithm had progressively built like an invisible shield around my account. The only solution to get rid of this unhealthy habit and stay away from the Social Network…
quite simply much too far
Anajo – Streuner Angelika Express – Dich gibts nicht Black Lab – Mine Again Bloc Party – Kreuzberg blink-182 – Stay Together For The Kids Editors – Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors Butcher The Bar – Bobby Death Cab For Cutie – Transatlanticism Placebo & Michael Stipe – Promise R.E.M. – Disappear A Fine Frenzy – Almost Lover Lykke Li – Tonight The xx – Crystalised Michael Andrews & Gary Jules – Mad World Element…