
This category contains all posts in english.

  • wLOG_08

    I have a bad feeling about this. Today I went for a walk first through the forest, and then across the field. The sun was shining and the temperature was just right for keeping the hat in the pocket. I enjoyed breathing the clean air and listening to a podcast. Some mountain bikers and hikers crossed my way and in the wood a guy was sitting on a bench reading on a backlit e-reader screen.…

  • wLOG_06

    This week has shown the first signs of winter with enough snow falling last Wednesday to create even more traffic jams as usual on the Grand Duchy’s streets. As I am really not fond anymore of driving around on this country’s overcrowded roads let alone in dangerous conditions, I did not mind to see the rain already returning the next day. I am following the news closely through Twitter, podcasts and I subsequently read linked…

  • wLOG_05

    While some of my colleagues have probably spent the last week on holiday, be it to practice ski, to visit foreign cities or countries, I stayed at home. In order to not feel too frustrated at the end of the week when I surely would have had to realise I would not have finished all the things I would have planned during my free time, I started by not setting too many goals in the…

  • wLOG_04

    As I am finally happy to spend some free time with my son, F1 has caught our attention again with the forthcoming start of the new season. Most teams have already presented their new cars and although the optical changes to the bodyworks are difficult to spot, there are subtle details to be noticed in the liveries of most cars. So Ferrari has designed the font of the driver numbers to resemble that of the…

  • wLOG_03

    As I have reduced my social media activity considerably since turning my back to Instagram at the beginning of 2020, I am spending more time listening to podcasts and reading news on the internet, mostly after finding interesting links in their shownotes, in several newsletters I have subscribed to or in my timelines on Twitter or in the Fediverse. Sometimes there are topics which captivate my attention, so that I plounge even further into the…

  • wLOG_02

    Had I not already resumed blogging today’s date would have been the right occasion to start. At the time I started writing this, Sabaton were performing in Antwerp and there was a live stream from the stage, with dropouts however. Fans of the band can watch the SABATON Vlogs on YouTube to learn more about The Great Tour 2020. Regarding concerts I just went to the second event, as one of my favourite local bands was…

  • wLOG_01

    Starting with this post I will try to write once a week about topics that I find interesting or things that catched my attention to some degree. As I intend to do this on a regular basis but since I do not yet know if I will be able to stick to the routine of writing a weekly column, I chose the rather cryptic title of wlog_n, where n will take the value of an…