
I’m not up for Instagram anymore. Every 4 to 6 pictures there is an ad in my feed. This is not what Instagram was like before Facebook acquired it. Just like the social network giant has denied me the pleasure to use my Facebook profile by turning my news feed into an echo chamber I do not feel like scrolling through a photostream where roughly a fifth of the pictures I see are ads. Now that Jan Koum has left Facebook I would not be surprised if the next acquisition to be ruined by Facebook’s business model was WhatsApp. So just like with Facebook I am gonna take a break from both Instagram and WhatsApp. As I was already crossposting my Instagram pictures to several other platforms I will not refrain from posting photographs to the web. Instead I will now crosspost from my Flickr photostream which has the advantage that I will probably use more different formats and perhaps less post-editing than I did on Instagram (yes, I really liked choosing the square-format and filters on Instagram).

Advertising is not what I need
Advertising is not what we need
Instagram, not at this speed
What you sowed then, now you will reap
Facebook came and broke your feed
Put the blame on money greed

(humming this tune)

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