Luxembourg-City by night

Tonight I would have liked to attend André Mergenthaler’s Concert de la pleine lune which took place at 22.30 in the Cloître Lucien Wercollier at the Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster. Although I had reserved my place by phone this afternoon, the lady would not let me in as I was late, arriving only at 22.45 because my wife came back from her shift-work later as usual to take over from me at home.

That’s life, anyway Murphy’s law seemed to have taken control of my day right from its beginning, so what? As I had already attended Mergenthaler’s Cello Loops at the Kulturfabrik some time ago, missing it tonight was easily suffered because I had not payed in advance.

It has been quite a long time since I payed my last visit to Luxembourg-City, so being there I went for a walk through the streets of the city. Only to see that nothing really changed during the past ten years: the streets were deserted, (night)life only seems to take place in some trendy bars, it just cannot be compared to a town like Liège for example.