• the american dollar

    Some time ago I posted an awesome video by the post-rock duo The American Dollar. As I was browsing through their songs on iTunes music store earlier I nearly downloaded their newest album “A Memory Stream” although their self-titled debut album was equally tempting. But then I decided to first take a look at their Myspace website and I was happy to find the possibility there to buy a physical CD bundle for a price…

  • anesthetized

    Heading down the motorway to the place where rhythm and vibes emerge from the bowels of a red monolith, you think about the urge to fill the empty spaces in heart and mind with music and lyrics. You seem to be stuck in a communication cul-de-sac too narrow to turn around and without reverse gear on your vehicle. The only way out would be up to the meta level from where the outlook is different.…

  • dark thoughts

    You relive the past, live. The music invites you to dwell, visual anachronisms blur the experience. You got to be crazy, who was dragged down by the stone? Animals have always played an important part in your life. Your mind has darkened, the only color you see is ebony. Tears have flowed, tears will flow. Separation anxiety is the wind that blows around the sword of Damocles that hangs above your head. At the gates…

  • coldrain

    at the sound of the bell you return home. your clothes are soaked, cold raindrops run down your face. they fall like needles just to merge into the rill on the ground heading towards the river. your fingers clutching the cold torch feel like steel, your frosty feet are like a gate to coldness. if only those tears could flow to give your cheeks the warmth they are yearning for so long. (Foto: cc by…